Planning, Assessment and Quality Bureau

Who are we?

The Planning, Assessment and Quality Bureau (GPAQ) provides support in University and unit-level planning and assessment, academic planning by teaching and research staff, accreditation and certification of qualifications and processes, internal quality assurance, and university social responsibility. The Bureau also analyses and disseminates statistics, surveys and reports related to its mission.

The GPAQ seeks to make procedures simple and accessible, and provides useful information to facilitate decision-making. It is responsible for developing and managing information systems used by managers and administrators, members of the UPC community (staff and students) and external actors.


The mission of the Planning, Assessment and Quality Bureau (GPAQ) is:

To support the governing bodies of the University in the design, implementation and monitoring of institutional and academic planning, assessment and quality assurance in accordance with the guidelines and goals of the institution and with current laws and regulations, in order to ensure continuous improvement in the University’s spheres of action and accountability to stakeholders.

For more information

For more information on the Planning, Assessment and Quality Bureau, click here.