UPC Statutes

Social responsibility in the Statutes


The first major articulation of the UPC’s commitment to social responsibility is found in its Statutes, which take precedence over all other regulations.


The Statutes of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (GOV/43/2012, of 29 May, approving the UPC Statutes, published in the Official Gazette of the Catalan Government No. 6140, of 1/06/2012) set out a series of objectives, basic principles and rights that are directly related to social responsibility and its various dimensions.


These points are covered in a number of articles in Title I that describe the nature and aims of the UPC.

Title I. Nature and aims

Article 4.  Objectives of the University

(...) 4.2 Based on intellectual rigour, critical thinking, interdisciplinarity, innovation and entrepreneurship, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya provides people with knowledge, professional competencies, capabilities, skills and values ​​that enable them, over the course of their lives, to tackle the current and future challenges of our society while seeking to achieve a more just society. (...)


Article 5. Basic principles

5.1. The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya is an interdisciplinary institution established to promote and pursue scientific, technical, artistic and humanistic research, and technical and cultural development; to educate students and provide them with the skills needed to engage in professional activities; and to provide scientific and technical support for the social, cultural and economic progress of society, particularly Catalan society, and the personal development of members of the University community.


5.2. The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya shall seek to engage with society and shall promote and facilitate university outreach and lifelong learning.  It shall also promote activities that contribute to the training and cultural development of members of the UPC community.


5.3. As an institution dedicated to generating and transmitting knowledge, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya shall promote sustainable development, the eradication of poverty, the reduction of inequalities between peoples, and environmental protection through its educational, research and institutional activities.


5.4. The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya shall encourage critical thinking in science and the arts. It shall also defend principles of freedom in education and research; seek to promote the peaceful use of scientific, technical, artistic and humanistic knowledge; and put such knowledge at the service of building a culture of peace.


The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya advocates that knowledge should be accessible and shareable, a shared resource that should benefit society and facilitate human development.


5.5. University activity at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya shall be based on the principles of freedom, democracy, justice, solidarity, equality of opportunity, sustainability, and respect for ideological diversity. The University shall ensure that these principles are adhered to.


5.6. The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya shall promote social responsibility; values ​​education; the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, transfer of research results, and management; and accountability on the part of all its members.


5.7. The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya shall ensure transparency in all its actions and at all levels of decision-making in order to facilitate accountability to society.


Article 6. Equality of opportunity between men and women

The University shall guarantee equality of opportunity between men and women in all university areas and the right of individuals to be treated in an equal manner without regard to their sex. The University shall also promote the balanced representation of men and women on mixed-membership bodies and staff selection committees.


Article 7. Equal opportunities for people with disabilities

The University shall give special consideration to people with disabilities to guarantee that they have equal opportunities. To this end, the University shall adopt measures to prevent discrimination against disabled people and ensure that they are able to participate and integrate in various university areas with as much personal autonomy as possible.