Other relevant regulations

Other significant regulations relating to social responsibility

In addition to those discussed in other sections, the UPC has other regulations and plans that focus on fields of action related to social responsibility, including a plan that defines a cohesive overall framework for initiatives.


This section focuses on two key documents:

Framework for the Design and Introduction of Bachelor's Degree Curricula

In April 2008 the UPC’s Governing Council approved the Framework for the Design and Introduction of Bachelor's Degree Curricula, which sets out institutional guidelines to be followed in developing bachelor’s degree curricula within the framework of the European Higher Education Area.


In the document, sustainability and social commitment is included on a list of competencies that must form part of all UPC bachelor’s degree curricula.

2015 UPC Social Responsibility Plan

In October 2011 the Governing Council approved the 2015 UPC Social Responsibility Plan, a key document that reaffirms the UPC’s commitment to social responsibility and offers a cohesive conceptual framework for this area. The Plan defines a structure for tackling social responsibility and instruments for achieving SR objectives.

Some of the main lines of action set out in the Plan are:

      • A unified approach to promoting and coordinating social responsibility in the UPC’s various areas of activity.
      • Formulation and coordination of policies via the UPC14 Governance Plan and a series of plans that address specific issues.
      • Active participation in forums and social networks related to social responsibility.
      • Strengthening and/or extension of mechanisms for communicating policies, initiatives and actions, with emphasis on providing a cohesive overall vision.
      • Strengthening of two-way communication between stakeholders.
      • Transparency and accountability.