Plans to address specific issues

Policies on specific issues

Over the last two decades, the UPC has designed and implemented a series of initiatives based on policies, programmes and specific plans linked to one or more dimensions of social responsibility.


UPC Occupational Health and Safety Plan

The aim of the UPC Occupational Health and Safety Plan, approved in 1998, is to define and reaffirm the commitment of the UPC and all its members to occupational health and safety.

This commitment on the part of all the groups that make up the UPC community is the foundation for achieving the strategic objective set out in the Plan: “to integrate occupational health and safety in all UPC activities and decisions.”

Disabled Integration Programme

The aim of the Disabled Integration Programme is to contribute to fully integrating people with disabilities in the university community so that they are able to pursue their university activities in a normal manner.

Actions taken within the framework of the Programme focus on identifying, analysing and responding to the needs of UPC students with disabilities.

2015 UPC Sustainability Plan

The 2015 UPC Sustainability Plan sets 2015 as a target date because it is the deadline established by the United Nations for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. However, the Plan is subdivided into two stages to increase its operability.

First stage. Approved in 2006, covers the period from 2006 to 2010. Structures the Plan around four thematic areas or strategic lines, which correspond to the University’s main fields of action: interaction and social commitment, research, education and management.

Second stage. As stated in the second-stage document, the UPC community, through a process of participatory debate, gave a positive assessment of the actions taken in the first five-year implementation period and supported the renewal of the Plan, with a long-term vision and a set of proposed objectives to be achieved by 2015.

II Plan on Equal Opportunities at the UPC

Now that the First Master Plan for Equal Opportunities Plan approved in 2007 has concluded and been reviewed, in December 2012 the UPC has approved the Second Master Plan for Equal Opportunities. As stated in the document itself, the Second Plan gives an overview of the main challenges faced by the UPC in the fields of equality between the sexes and for people with disabilities.

The guiding principles of the First Plan—non-discrimination, social responsibility, personal satisfaction, cross-disciplinarity, proactivity and the use of internal know-how—are maintained in the Second Plan.

Sustainability Declaration

The Sustainability Declaration is one of the key reference documents that define the UPC's commitment to sustainability. It was approved in February 2008 by the UPC’s Governing Council and presented at the 1st UPC Sustainability Conference.

Policy on Occupational Health and Safety at the UPC

The aim of the Policy on Occupational Health and Safety at the UPC, approved in July 2009, is:

”To increase the level of health and safety of the entire UPC community by integrating occupational health and safety in UPC activities and decisions, assigning roles and responsibilities at all echelons and organisational levels, and providing appropriate training and information.”

2010 UPC Language Plan

One of the four strategic areas of the UPC Language Plan is “Interculturality”, which aims to promote interaction that helps to foster the multilingual and intercultural dimensions of individuals and institutions.

2015 UPC Cooperation Plan

The 2015 UPC Cooperation Plan (strategy and calendar) defines the UPC’s mission and values in relation to development cooperation. The Plan states that the UPC is determined to:

”contribute to building a more just world through development education and by generating and disseminating knowledge in the fields of engineering, science, architecture and university management […].”