
Social responsibility and RDI at the UPC

In all the sections of this website we have seen how it is difficult to identify a particular selection of actions to focus on. The complexity of this task is even greater in the case of research conducted at the UPC.


However, while it is difficult to identify all the groups and lines of research that are linked in some way to dimensions of social responsibility (in its multiple social, economic and environmental dimensions), we can attempt to identify groups of actors whose research activity at the UPC is related to areas of university social responsibility.

The research groups listed below are those whose work (based on the criteria indicated) is connected in some way to aspects of social responsibility.

First, though, it is worth mentioning the large-scale “Energy Campus” project, which encompasses research and innovation in this area.



International Campus of Excellence: Energy for Excellence

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya was once again recognised as an International Campus of Excellence when its Energy Campus project was awarded this distinction in the 2010 call for the programme (issued by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Innovation).


The mission of the Energy Campus is:


“To become an active agent in the transformation of the energy sector through cooperation in research and innovation, harnessing emerging opportunities and bringing international recognition to the member organisations participating in the project.

By 2015 the Energy Campus aims to become:

  • The leading strategic consortium for energy in Southern Europe, with local impact and broad international recognition.
  • A hub for generating and exploiting knowledge and technologies, capable of meeting the needs of society and contributing to the development of a sustainable economy.
  • A benchmark for quality learning within the framework of the EHEA, training skilled professionals for new employment areas in the energy sector.
  • A generator of highly skilled employment and innovative technology-based companies that are able to drive transformation of the economic model.
  • A model of social responsibility with respect to the change of energy model and its socioeconomic impact.”

More information on the project can be found at the Energy Campus website.

Research groups related to social responsibility

The research groups listed below are those which mention one or more terms related to social responsibility in their name, description or keywords section on the UPC’s scientific output website (as of January 2012):

AIEM – Architecture, Energy and the Environment
AQUAL – Aquaculture and Aquatic Product Quality
ARCHT – Contemporary Architecture, Construction and Learning
ARCO – Microarchitecture and Compilers
CEPIMA – Process and Environment Engineering Centre
CERTEC – Centre for Technological Risk Studies
CIPAGRAF – Paper and Graphics Research Group
CITCEA – Centre for Technological Innovation in Static Converters and Actuators
CPSV – Centre for Land Valuation Policy
CTTC – Heat and Mass Transfer Technological Centre
DF – Nonlinear Fluid Dynamics
ENMA – Environmental Engineering
ERNMA – Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering
EXIT – Urban Networked Infrastructures Engineering
FLUMEN – River Dynamics and Hydrological Engineering Research Group
GAECE – Electronically Commutated Motor Drives Group
GAT – Architecture and Technology Group
GEMMA – Environmental Engineering and Microbiology Group
GHS – Hydrogeology Group
GIIP – Project Design, Sustainability and Communication Research Group
GIOPACT – Group for Equal Opportunities in Architecture, Science and Technology
GIRAS – Research Group on Architecture: Projects, Territory and Society
GITS – Integral Basin Modelling and Sediment Transport
GREA – Agri-Environmental Engineering Research Group
GREC – Knowledge Engineering Research Group
GRECDH – Development Cooperation and Human Development Research Group
GREDIC – Research Group on the Innovation and Knowledge Economy
GREENER – Energy and Radiation Studies Research Group
GREP – Power Electronics Research Group
GRESIM – Mechatronic Systems Research Group
GRIC – Construction Research and Innovation Group
INSIDE - Innovació en Sistemes per al Disseny i la Formació a l´Enginyeria
KEMLG – Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group
LAB – Applied Bioacoustics Laboratory
LACÀN – Specific Research Centre on Numerical Methods for Applied Science and Engineering
LEAM – Acoustic and Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
LIM/UPC – Maritime Engineering Laboratory
MATCAR – Construction Materials and Roads
MCIA – MCIA Centre for Innovation in Electronics
MNT – Micro and Nanotechnologies Research Group
MTA – Environmental Modelling and Technology
NOLIN – Non-Linear Physics and Non-Equilibrium Systems
POCIÓ – Plant Protection
QINE – Low Power Design, Testing, Verification and Fault Tolerance
SC-SIMBIO – Complex Systems. Computer Simulation of Materials and Biological Systems
REES – Renewable Electrical Energy Systems
SETRI – Separation Techniques and Industrial Waste Treatment Group
STH – Sustainability, Technology and Humanism
SUMMLab – Sustainability Measurement and Modelling Lab
TIEG – Terrassa Industrial Electronics Group
TMAS (T+) – Environmental and Health Toxicology and Microbiology
TRANSMAR – Maritime Transport and Logistics Research Group