Analysis and dissemination

The UPC’s participation in the debate on social responsibility

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya actively participates in various forums and social networks that focus on study, analysis, discussion, promotion and dissemination activities related to the social responsibility paradigm.

The following are some of the activities the UPC has participated in or organised over the last year:



Debate: "RSE-D and reputation as key factors in business profitability in the context of a financial crisis". Inserta Responsable Forum, ONCE Foundation.

On 11 July 2012, the UPC participated in this event organised by the ONCE Foundation and ESADE in the framework of the Inserta Responsable Forum.


The Inserta Responsable Forum is an initiative promoted by the ONCE Foundation whose aim is to create a space for social participation and innovation between businesses on the topic of social responsibility, in general, and the integration of disabled people, in particular.


The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya signed an employment and training agreement with the ONCE Foundation on 15 February 2006. On 15 April 2008, it signed a further agreement with the Foundation through its Accessibility Chair to set up the Universities and Disability Observatory.



Social Responsibility Week in Catalonia  – Social Engineering


This event aims to be a meeting point for Catalan businesses and institutions that are concerned about the social, economic and environmental dimensions of social responsibility. It is organised once a year by the Social Engineering consulting firm and the +Responsables Association, in collaboration with Catalan bodies such as the Generalitat and the Barcelona Provincial Council. The programme includes conferences, round tables, a trade fair, open days showcasing good business practices, themed films and awareness-raising workshops for children.


Working session: “Universities in Transition: Transformations for Sustainability”, Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI)

On 24 November 2011, a working session organised by the Global University Network for Innovation was held in Barcelona. The session focused on emerging ideas and transformation processes being undertaken by higher education institutions around the world as they move towards sustainability. The conclusions are presented in a new report entitled “GUNI Higher Education in the World 4: Higher Education’s Commitment to Sustainability - From Understanding to Action”.

Working session: “Academic Institutions, BSR and PRME: Whys and Hows”, Spanish Global Compact Network

The working session “Academic Institutions, BSR and PRME: Whys and Hows”, organised by the Spanish Global Compact Network, was held in Madrid on 22 November 2011. Speakers presented a variety of experiences related to management and implementation of PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education), a United Nations initiative in which the main participants are business schools. A study entitled “Social Responsibility at Universities”, carried out by the CRUE’s Committee for Environmental Quality, Sustainable Development and Risk Prevention (CADEP), was also presented at the meeting. The study offers an overview of the current situation of USR in Spain and analyses the level of commitment of universities, taking into account strategic planning, organisational structure and course offerings.

Fifth Signing Ceremony and Presentation of the Advisory Board of the Diversity Charter for Catalonia

On 17 October 2011, a ceremony to mark the signing of the Diversity Charter for Catalonia was held at the CaixaForum centre in Barcelona. Thirty-two companies and institutions signed up to the Charter.

An advisory board for the Charter was also formally established as a meeting point for the social partners involved. The Board is intended to serve as a forum where participants can share experiences, ideas and other input, and generate synergies that facilitate the development of initiatives related to the management and implementation of diversity principles in organisations.

Meeting: “Social Responsibility at Universities: Necessity, Opportunity or Challenge”, International University of Andalusia

The working session “Social Responsibility at Universities: Necessity, Opportunity or Challenge was held in Baeza (Jaén) from 7 to 9 September to discuss the current situation of social responsibility at universities and consider, based on various models presented, international standards that apply to the management and preparation of reports on USR.

CRUE – Committee for Environmental Quality, Sustainable Development and Risk Prevention (CADEP)

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya is one of 31 Spanish universities that took part in the project “Evaluación de las políticas universitarias de sostenibilidad como facilitadoras para el desarrollo de los campus de excelencia internacional” (Evaluation of University Sustainability Policies as Facilitators for the Development of Campuses of International Excellence). The project was funded by the Ministry of Education under the 2010 call for a programme of studies and analysis aimed at improving teaching quality and the activities of university teaching staff.

The project, carried out in the first semester of 2011, involved testing a proposed system of sustainability policy indicators at participating universities, examining approaches to policy implementation, and identifying good practices.

Nineteenth EBEN Spain National Congress. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

The 19th EBEN Spain National Congress was held in Barcelona from 29 June to 1 July. The theme of the Congress was Transforming the World – Humanising Technology: Ethics, Social Responsibility and Innovation”. The event serves as a regular forum for participants to present and discuss studies, proposals and ideas generated by professionals and experts from business and academia whose work is concerned with social responsibility. The 2011 edition was organised by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

General Assembly of the Spanish Global Compact Network

The General Assembly of the Network, to which the UPC belongs, was held in Madrid on 14 June 2011. The main matters dealt with were the approval of the balance sheet and profit and loss account for 2010, and the approval of the proposed consolidated Statutes.

Working Session on University Social Responsibility, University of Zaragoza

On 24-25 May 2011, the Third Working Session on University Social Responsibility was held in Zaragoza. Discussion focused on key aspects of USR, such as the mechanisms universities need to use to communicate the results of their social responsibility management and strategy to stakeholders.